Edible Perfume Workshop @ Dordrecht - announcement -
About the Edible Perfume Workshop (in English):
CBK Dordrecht site (in Dutch):
The text below is copied & pasted from the site.
Dit jaar vindt voor de tweede maal een Dordtse editie van het Camera Japan Festival plaats. Het CBK programmeert een bijzondere workshop van de Japanse geurkunstenares Maki Ueda en een [F]luister concert.
Behalve in Dordrecht vindt er een Camera Japan editie plaats in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Breda, Utrecht en Leiden. Er wordt een bijzonder programma samengesteld dat bestaat uit muziek, films, lezingen en workshops. Op lokaal niveau is het festival een samenwerking van [F]luister, filmhuis Cinode, de Popcentrale en het Centrum Beeldende Kunst.
ヤVoedsel combineert goed wanneer zij wezenlijke smaakcomponenten gemeenschappelijk hebben.ユ Dit is het concept achter het principe van foodpairing (het paarsgewijs rangschikken van voedsel). Een concept dat volledig geaccepteerd is in de moleculaire gastronomie. In de database www.foodpairing.be zijn alle mogelijke combinaties te vinden. Het helpt om voedsel verrassend te combineren en nieuwe smaken te cre喪en. Denk aan grapefruit met cardamon of wortel met sinaasappel. Chefkoks gebruiken het als inspiratiebron om nieuwe recepten te ontwikkelen zoals grapefruitjelly met cardamonsaus.
Workshop van maki Ueda
Als geurkunstenaar is Maki Ueda gewend om geuren te onttrekken aan ruwe materialen. Ze raakte zo gefascineerd door het foodpairing concept dat ze een workshop heeft ontwikkeld die focust op zowel geur als smaak. Ueda combineert dit met de kunst van het componeren van een parfum, de kunst om de perfecte balans te vinden tussen honderden aromatische ingredi創ten. Het is een hands-on workshop over het onttrekken van geuren en samenstellen van nieuwe geuren en smaken, ge貧spireerd door het concept van foodpairing. Voor deze Edible Perfume (eetbaar parfum) workshop moeten de deelnemers zelf de twee basisingredi創ten meenemen en kunnen dan bijvoorbeeld olie maken met de smaak van basilicum en zwarte thee. Of een likeur geparfumeerd met aardbei en wortel of grapefruit en parmezaanse kaas.
De workshop vindt plaats op zaterdag 10 oktober van 14-17 uur in het CBK. Deelname kost ロ 20,-. De voertaal is Engels en er kunnen maximaal 20 mensen aan deelnemen.
Vooraf aanmelden is noodzakelijk, u ontvangt dan ook alle benodigde informatie. Aanmelden kan bij het CBK cbk@dordrecht.nl of 078 6314689.
Op zaterdag 10 oktober om 20.00 uur vindt een [F]luister optreden plaats, meer informatie is binnenkort te vinden op onze website.
Dinner for Muted Senses (2)
Photos by: [by/nc/nd] Moritz Bernoully
View more photo streams of Camera Japan 2009: [by/nc/nd] Moritz Bernoully
Dinner for Muted Senses (1)
- food art workshop in restaurant setup -
@ Lantaren Vesnter, Rotterdam
presented by: Camera Japan Festival
for the sensory sounds
with the hearing sense muted / amplified
- rice crackers with aonori seaweeds 青海苔せんべい
- fermented miso natto with cucumber (morokyu) もろきゅう
- fried noodles (age somen) 揚げそうめん
- seaweed salad わかめサラダ
- fried buckwheat sticks (soba karinto) そばかりんとう
- fresh soybeans (edamame) 枝豆
- pickls (kojizuke, family recipe) 麹漬け(上田家秘伝)
- mixed nuts ミックスナッツ
taste & smell experiments
1. smell the MISO SOUP PERFUME with the paper (or spray it into your mouth if you like)
MISO SOUP PERFUME is distilled miso soup. It's transparet, but contains the flavours.
See from time to time how the charactor of smell changes.
- top note (green onion)
- middle note (shitake / kombu)
- last note (miso)
2. Taste the (real) miso soup.
You will get exactly the same dish twice!
1st one:
- blind folded
- use your hands
2nd one:
- take off the blindfold
- use the chopsticks
DESSERT / デザート
surprising ice creams
Green Tea for flavour pairing
Spray the orange juice perfume into your mouth, then taste the green tea.
"Food combines well when they have major components in common"
: the concept widely accepted in the molecular gastronomy scene
Misae Endo & Maria
Tomoko Inamura
Noriko Ueda
Maki Ueda
Dinner reservation
Dinner for Muted Senses - announcement -
Dinner for Muted Senses
a food-art workshop focusing on the (five or more) senses
是故空中 無色無受想行識
無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
It is free of the eyes, ears, nose,
tongue, body and mind;
free of sight, sound, smell, taste,
touch, and any object of mind;
free of sensory realms
including mind-consciousness.
- The Buddhist Heart Sutra (般若心経)-
A unique food art workshop in a restaurant set-up. Each course is served with an intervention of one of your senses, such as blindfolding, amplifying or muting to enhance your sensitivities and experience new sensations. All in Japanese lacto-ovo vegetarian style prepared with organic ingredients.
The workshop is developed by Maki Ueda, an artist who is known for her artworks focusing on the olfactory sense.
Eating is something to appreciate with the five (or more) senses. In this extraordinary Japanese course dinner you will witness that, with full of sensations, inspirations, and findings. Reservation is required.
appetizer: | with the eyes muted tactile, sensory, and smelly |
main dish: | with the ears muted / amplified offers pleasure for eyes, with sensory sounds |
dessert: | with the nose muted experience the magic of sense of taste and smell |
festival name: | Camera Japan Festival |
date: | Sun, Sep 27, 2009 |
restaurant opening hour: | 18:00 - 21:30, last order 20:30 |
numbers limited to: | 25 |
reservation: | please send an email before 25th of September to witchlab [at] gmail.com specifying: - your name - time (you can choose from: 18:00 / 18:30 / 19:00 / 19:30 / 20:00 / 20:30) - the amount of people (the amount of kids and their age) - your mobile telephone number |
place: | dance studio Lantaren/Venster, Gouvernestraat 133, 3014 PM Rotterdam |
food style: | fusion Japanese / Buddhist cuisine Shojin-Ryori, lacto-ovo vegetarian |
drinks: | Free organic green tea is included. Feel free to bring your own bottles of wine or beer if you want. Other drinks cost about the bar price, so bringing your own favourite drink is more reasonable for you! |
price: | 35 euro (payment only by cash at the dinner) 5 euro for kid's lunch-box (very simple one with rice-balls and some dishes) |
further information: | 06-54 65 80 54 / witchlab [at] gmail.com |
This restaurant is (doing its best to be) family-friendly. If you want to come with your kids, please do so, and please notify it to us beforehand. There will be a small play corner opened by Sen (5 yrs old, the son of Maki Ueda) with full of Japanese toys!
This workshop is primarily inspired by the activities of artists-collective FoAM in Brussels. One of the inspiring events that Maja Kuzmanovic has developed at FoAM was Open Sauces (Nov. 2008). It was about the future of food in many different perspectives. The issues herein included were: molecular gastronomy, food pairing, eating and senses (where Maki Ueda has contributed), logistics and food problems, safety of foods, etc.
photos by: Alex Davies
about FoAM:
Food pairing:
about Maki Ueda:
http://scent-lab.blogspot.com/ (blog)
http://www.ueda.nl/ (portfolio)
The Heart Sutra (Buddhist)
translated by Halifax, Joan / Kazuaki Tanahashi
The Sutra on the Heart of Realizing Wisdom Beyond Wisdom
The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara moving in the deep course of realizing
wisdom beyond wisdom, sees that all five streams of body and mind are
boundless, and then becomes free from all anguish.
Seeing this, Shariputra says to Avalokiteshvara,
'How should one train, if one wishes to realize wisdom beyond wisdom?'
Listen, Shariputra,
form is not separate from boundlessness;
boundlessness is not separate from form.
Form is boundlessness; boundlessness is form.
Feelings, perceptions, mental formations,
and discernment are also like this.
Oh Shariputra,
boundlessness is the nature of all things.
It neither arises nor perishes,
neither stains nor purifies,
neither increases nor decreases.
Boundlessness is not limited by form,
nor by feelings, perceptions,
mental formations, and discernment.
It is free of the eyes, ears, nose,
tongue, body and mind;
free of sight, sound, smell, taste,
touch, and any object of mind;
free of sensory realms
including mind-consciousness.
It is free of ignorance and the end of ignorance.
Boundlessness is free of old age and death
and free from the end of old age and death.
It is free of suffering, arising, cessation, and path,
and free of wisdom and attainment.
Being free of attainment,
the Boddhisattvas,
and those who help all to awaken
abide in the realization of wisdom beyond wisdom
and live with an unhindered mind.
Without hindrance, the mind has no fear.
Free from confusion,
the Boddhisattvas and those who lead all to emancipation
embody complete serenity.
All those, in the past, present, and future,
who realize wisdom beyond wisdom
manifest unsurpassable, authentic and thorough awakening.
Know that realizing wisdom beyond wisdom
is no other than this great mantra,
luminous, incomparable, and supreme.
It relieves all suffering.
It is genuine, not illusory.
So set forth this mantra of realizing
wisdom beyond wisdom.
Set forth this mantra that says,
Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate,
bodhi svaha!
> about The Heart Sutra (Wikipedia)