
Online Scent Extraction Wokshop at BlueCity Symbiosis Festival, Rotterdam

Date: 29-11-2020
Host: BlueCity Rotterdam  https://www.bluecity.nl/

It took place via Zoom - so all the participants followed the workshop at home.

I extracted "papaya flowers" myself with Japanese vodka "Shochu".


The catalogue "Olfactory Games" is ready to order

Finally the catalogue is ready to order: "Olfactory Games 2009-2018" by Maki Ueda | Blurb Books. It contains 45 works made by the students in my course on olfactory art. Curatorial text contributed by Caro Verbeek. Appreciating all the students participated in my class. (The book price is purely the printing cost - you can order one globally from the nearest Blurb distributor)



Scent Extraction Workshop (remote) at de Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, 2020


Dates: Oct 14-16, 2020
Class: Digital Craft
Lecturer: Ivan Henriques


Thank you Ivan for supporting us!

Scents extracted:

[the 3rd year]
pencil shavings
fake leather
muffin skin
apple skin
potato chips
peanut butter

[the 4th year]
bay leaves
leather shoes
baked bread
antique book
ginseng candy
banana leaf


Maki Ueda – Du Kôdô à l’art olfactif

 Maki Ueda – Du Kôdô à l’art olfactif

L’odorat, sens un peu ”oublié”, est remis au goût du jour par l’attrait actuel pour l’invisible et l’éphémère. La Japonaise Maki Ueda a fait de l’odeur son médium de prédilection. Elle est devenue une des références internationales de l’art olfactif contemporain émergent.
Partant de là, la créatrice s’est intéressée au Kôdô cet art japonais qui consiste à humer l’encens issu de bois précieux. Elle s’est rapidement affranchie du protocole instauré par les maîtres du Kôdô. Elle a repris en revanche à son compte, leur goût pour la performance et le jeu. Dans son œuvre, cette globe-trotteuse formée aux sciences de l’environnement, s’appuie autant sur les pratiques des arts numériques que sur celles, ancestrales, de la parfumerie de Grasse ou de Delhi.

Très vite, son approche multiculturelle et avant-gardiste de l’odorat, impose la jeune artiste auprès des milieux artistiques du monde entier. Cette pionnière de l’olfaction – qui se partage entre le Japon et les Pays-Bas – est rapidement sollicitée pour la mise en place de performances. Celles-ci mêlent danse, théâtre, musique et arts graphiques.

Les fragrances qu’elle compose, n’utilisent que des produits naturels. Elle va se former à Grasse pour mieux comprendre l’extraction naturelle du parfum. En 2014, elle décide de rejoindre Aastha, l’héritière d’une lignée d’artisans parfumeurs, de Kannauj, dans le nord de l’Inde. Cette dernière lui fera découvrir les secrets de l’Attar, une méthode de distillation à l’huile – et non à l’alcool, comme elle se pratique en Occident – vieille de 5 000 ans !

Ce qui m’intéresse dans l’art olfactif, aujourd’hui, c’est l’expérience immersive, la perte de repère et l’idée même du mouvement », résume Maki Ueda. A l’occasion du lancement de MX-30, Maki Ueda propose une expérience olfactive exclusive en référence aux accords de Paris sur le climat.

Elle convie les participants à s’interroger sur l’odeur du réchauffement climatique. Cette installation, travail de laboratoire sur les sens, l'odorat et la température, tente de répondre à ces questions. Maki Ueda présente ici deux structures indépendantes maintenues à la même température. L'une diffuse des odeurs qui agissent sur les sens froids et l'autre des odeurs qui agissent sur les sens chauds. Les visiteurs se promènent entre ces deux espaces.

L’artiste suggère à l’utilisateur d’utiliser les odeurs du froid pendant les périodes chaudes et les odeurs du chaud quand il fait froid. Nous pourrons peut-être ainsi gagner en résilience grâce aux odeurs et réduire notre consommation d'énergie.

Les substances aromatiques agissent non seulement sur notre nez, mais aussi sur nos poumons, nos yeux et nos muqueuses. « Lorsque je teste un parfum froid, mes poumons sont froids, même lors d’une journée d'été très chaude et humide. L'odeur chaude a rendu ma gorge chaude. Les substances aromatiques sont absorbées par les glandes sudoripares ainsi que par les muqueuses. Les odeurs peuvent même agir sur les sensations froides et chaudes de cette manière, même si elles ne sont pas reconnues comme des odeurs ».

Pour cette recherche Maki Ueda a travaillé avec Jas Brooks, un scientifique et artiste de l'Université de Chicago.

(writtey by Natacha Ami, the curator of 48 Nord Paris)

Artist Statement

Artist Statement

Smells for the Paris Agreement, premier at Mazda 100 years anniversary
[Artist Statement]
I am deeply grateful to Mazda and the agent for inviting me here and commissioning my new work.
I have been working in the Netherlands as an olfactory artist since 2005. I am now considered to be one of the most prominent artists in this particular field of contemporary art.
This work is an epidemic in my long career.  This is because it is the first time I have tackled the social problem as global warming.
Climate change is a serious global problem. Why is it so hot in Paris in the middle of September? 
What can we do about it with smells?  For example, can we change the way we feel hot and cold with olfaction? This  question was my starting point.
The title of the work is: Smells for the Paris Agreement.
I am diffusing a cooling fragrance and a warming fragrance, made with scientific data, in each of two spaces that are controlled to have the same temperature.
You are all witnesses and test subjects for this little experiment.
I asked a young scientist Jas Brooks from Chicago University for advice which molecules to use. I also read the paper regarding trigeminal nerves and transient receptor potential(TRP), the receptors related to temperature.
What was fascinating to me was that, like perfumery, it's important to have a balance between the components.  Some components can be both cooling and warming. Methyl Salicylate is a good example.  This is a common scent used in a cold and a warm patch.  When combined with black pepper, it works for warmth, and when combined with eucalyptol or menthol, it works for coolness.
The following components were used in the final composition.  They are mostly Synesthetic:
{The Cooling Fragrance}
methyl salicylate

{The Warming Fragrance}
Black pepper
Red Chili Extract (self extracted)
Methyl Salicylate
Interestingly, linalool, eugenol and cinnamaldehyde, which I used for a cooling fragrance, are considered “warm scents” in perfumery.  This is where science and art differ.  In this work, I faithfully followed the science.
It's also interesting to note that Menthol, the heart of a cooling fragrance, only works at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius.  Today, it's hard to get below 25, so it's possible that the cooling room isn't working properly.  I wasn't expecting it to get this hot... climate change.
In my own experiment I found that my throat was dry in the warm room.  Yesterday's guest described its dry feel as "cork-like".
My lungs were cold in the cold room, and I also felt cold where I sweated.
Smells are absorbed by the body through mucous membranes and sweat glands, even if we don't feel they are smells.  Enjoy the intersection of the senses of smell and touch.


Title: Smells for the Paris Agreement

Here is the new installation I am going to present in Paris on the 15th & 16th of Sep.

Title: Smells for the Paris Agreement

Does a smell make you feel cooler or warmer? This installation is a laboratory-like work on the senses of smell and temperature, inspired by this question. Two independent compartments are kept at the same temperature. One of them is a diffusion of a group of smells that are said to act on the cold senses, and the other is a diffusion of a group of smells that are said to act on the warm senses. The participants were asked to move back and forth between the two spaces to confirm the effect of the diffusion. 

If you can feel cooler in the "cool room", you can actively use those smells in the hot summer, or you can use the smells in the "warm room" when it's cold. We may be able to gain resilience through smells and reduce our energy consumption. 

Aromatic substances work not only on our noses, but also on our lungs, eyes and other mucous membranes. In fact, when I was testing a cold scent, my lungs felt cold, even though it was a very hot and humid summer day. The warm scent made my throat hot. Aromatic substances are absorbed through the sweat glands as well as the mucous membranes. Smells can even work on cold and warm sensations in this way, even if they are not recognized as smells. 

For this research, I received some general advice from Jas Brooks, a scientist and artist at the University of Chicago.I also benefited from the "Smell, taste, & temperature symposium" which he is leading. This area seems to be still unknown even to scholars. Regarding the effects of specific aromatic substances on the trigeminal system, I referred to the article "Chemosensory Properties of the Trigeminal System" by Félix Viana. 

Maki Ueda


OLFACTORY LABYRINTH VER. 5 - INVISIBLE FOOTPRINTS - is a finalist for the Art and Olfaction Sadakichi Award

OLFACTORY LABYRINTH VER. 5 - INVISIBLE FOOTPRINTS - is a finalist for the Art and Olfaction Sadakichi Award for Experimental Work with Scent.

Olfactory Labyrinth is a series of space installation for researching space exploration navigated by the sense of smell.  This installation questions our abilities of a scent-driven and spatial form of communication in relation to the abilities of other creatures.  More details

The Art and Olfaction Awards are designed to raise interest and awareness for independent perfumers, artisan perfumers, and experimental practitioners with scent on an international scale. By shining a spotlight on perfumery’s most outstanding creators, we hope to help generate support for independent practices in scent, as a whole.

[Artist] Maki Ueda 
[Curator] Nana FUJIMOTO / Kiyosu Haruhi Museum of Art (premier) 
[Sponsor] Yamamoto Perfumery Co. Ltd.


Upcoming exhibition: in Taiwan, at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art

Upcoming exhibition: in Taiwan, at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art in Taichung, from March 7th.
"Olfactory Labyrinth ver.4" will be presented.
"Sensory Yoga Exhibition"
