
extracting the shiso leaves (Japanese herb)

[recipe 1] tincture in alcohol

- 20 shiso leaves, wash and cut in 5mm width
- 100ml dehydrated ethanol

leave it for a month (05.07.2007. - 24.08.2007.)
shake sometimes

[recipe2] tincture in oil

- 15 shiso leaves, wash and cut in 5mm width
- 100ml jojoba oil

leave it for a month (05.07.2007. - 24.08.2007.)
shake sometimes


recipe 1: successful. The fresh scent as the cherry plum in th beginning. It turns to green, and then changes to the watermelon-like middle note. No base note.

recipe 2: No success. Smells rotten somehow, far from what we know as shiso. Thus it's clear now that the smell we recognize as shiso in the cuisine is water-based.

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